Juan Carlos, The Famous
DOB: March 8, 1979
Juan was born in 1979 in Mexicali. When Juan was 11, he was found abandoned at a Red Cross, with only his basic needs being met. In 1990, he came to The Mission, and has touched many lives since. Juan is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and a seizure disorder. Juan is famously known for Twinkies, large eating utensils, his smile and good looks!
Angel, The Heart Breaker
DOB: February 24, 2003
Angel was born in Mexicali in 2003. He is diagnosed Cerebral Palsy, Seizure Disorder, and Heart Tumors. Angel came to live at The Mission in 2010 due to abandonment. Angel has the ability to capture the hearts of The Mission staff.
Some of Angel's favorite things are playing ball and bouncing. Angel loves back scratches and will often smile when being sung to.
Eddie, The Broken
DOB: August 26, 1990
Eddie was born in Mexicali in 1990, and came to The Mission at five years of age. Eddie is diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrom and Cerebral Palsy. He also has a lot of Muscular Skeletal problems such as Scoliosis, limb contractures and muscle degeneration. Dispite Eddie's broken body, he sometimes smiles and expresses pleasure through "groans and utterings"
Eddie loves knitted socks and comfy blankets.
Ponch, The Contemplator
DOB: January 3, 1990
Ponch was born in Mexicali in 1990. At 18 months of age, Ponch came to The Mission due to abandonment. Ponch has Cerebral Palsy, Fetal Alcohol Syndrom, Seizure Disorder, and Blindness. Although Ponch looks serious and contimplative, he often nods his head and smiles in excitement.
Ponch enjoys being in church and giving kisses. He also loves music.
Ema, The Sweet Heart
DOB: February 7, 1991
Ema was born in 1991 in Mexicali, and has been a part of The Mission since 1996. Ema has Cerebral Palsy, but few limitations. Ema requires the use of a walker for mobilization. Ema looks forward to running in heaven. She faithfully attends morning worship, writes letters, and supervises the house she lives in. After meeting Ema, most people will agree- Ema has the sweetest disposition.
Her favorite color is purple, love dresses, Giraffes, and swimming.
Laura, The Beautiful
DOB: April 10, 1978
Laura was born in Tijuana in 1978 and has been with The Mission since 1988. Laura has Mental Delay and was taken from her home due to neglect. Laura exhibits beauty from the inside out. She is ofter heard saying to others, "Hi beautiful", or "You look pretty". Laura's favorite holiday is "Jesus' birthday" and she enjoys dressing up, wearing crowns, and talking about heaven.
Laura loves Aladdin and Princess Jasmin, her favorite color is pink and she can never go with out her fashion accessories.
Magali, The Immune
DOB: November 15, 1999
Magali was born in Tecate in 1999. She arrived at The Mission around 18 months of age. Magali is diagnosed with Autism, Seizure Disorder and has undeveloped brain. Magali shows her intelligence through numerous activities such as matching pictures together, sign language and following simple commands. Magali enjoys exploring the world through touch and taste and is known to has the strongest immunity at The Mission.
Her favorite thing to do is eat, flipping pages in her books, and loves to be sat on.
If you have the desire to send a birthday card or gift, the mailing address for La Mision is:
PO Box 460
Tecate, Ca. 91980
A note regarding gifts...
We want to encourage people to send gifts for the individual orphans on their birthdays.
However, apart from birthdays and Christmas, please avoid sending special gifts to only one person specifically unless you have called and checked with the administration at the Mission. If you are wanting to send gifts to the orphans, please address it to either all the girls, or all the guys, or to everyone. This is to ensure we don't create feelings of favoritism.
We appreciate everyone’s heart to bless and we want to help ensure that your efforts and expenditures achieve your gracious intentions.
Jena, The Colorful
DOB: January 3, 1992
Jena was born in Ensenada in 1992 to an Oaxacan Indian family. As a child, Jena suffered brain damage from a high fever, and was brought to The Mission when her family was no longer able to care for her. One of Jenas favorite activities is to color, especially on her face! She laughs and squeals often, and is very observant of the enviroment around her.
Jena loves parties and desserts. She also loves coloring on the chalk board.
Sela, The Sweet
DOB: March 18, 1988
Sela was born in 1988. In 1992, Sela came to The Mission as a 4 year old. Sela has Cerebral Palsy and contracted arms and hands. Sela communicates by laughing, smiling, and moaning. She is very ticklish and eveyone loves her infectious laugh!
She enjoys attention, listening to music, having her hands caressed and shaking rattles.
Lupe, The Warrior
DOB: November 25, 1969
Lupe was born in Ensenada in 1969. She came to The Mission in 1989, when her family was no longer able to care for her. Lupe has some mental delay, but is advanced in God's Army. Lupe fights daily with prayer, and is always willing tho pray for others. Lupe loves to dance, lead out in song and greet people.
Lupe's favorite color is green, she loves to garden and she loves frogs! Lupe also loves to take care of her sisters and staff girls by blessing them with massages!
Lucy, The Monkey
DOB: October 10, 1999
Lucy was found wandering the streets of Tijuana as a two year old. She was born in 1999 and came to The Mission in 2001. Lucy has Down Syndrom and a wild personality. She enjoys outoor activities such as swinging on the monkey bars and jumping on the trampoline. Lucy helps at The Mission by doing laundry, washing dishes, and feeding the other kids.
Lucy loves to swim, color, and sing. Her favorite color is pink and loves anything princess.
Mari, The Butterfly
DOB: March 13, 1996
Mari was born in Mexicali in 1996, and came came to The Mission in 2004 when her family was unable to care for her. Mari has Down Syndrome, possible Glaucoma and communicates by laughing and moaning. Mari enjoys being sung to, having her lips "strummbed" and is commonly referred to as "Mariposa".
Mari loves tickles, giant stuffed animals, and bouncing in her bed.
Nilse, The Rhythmic
DOB: April 7, 1985
Nilse was born in Tijuana in 1985. At five years of age, Nilse was found abandoned in a trailor. Nilse was placed under the care of nuns for three years, and then transfered to The Mission in 1993 for higher level of care. Nilse has severe mental delay, Autism, and Seizure Disorder. Nilse can get frustrated around people and respond by hitting herself. Nilse is calmed by the clapping of hands or other rhythmic sounds.
Nilse enjoys taking walks, sitting on the trampoline and in her hammock.
Ana, The Transcriber
DOB: March 1, 1988
Ana was born in Ensenada in 1988. She was 18 months old when she joined The Mission. Ana has Down Syndrom, is shy and is extremely organized. Ana is gifted with the ability to copy verses from the Bible, letter by letter. She enjoys knitting, caring for her lttile dog Gracie, raking leaves and playing basketball.
Some of Ana's favorite things include, dolphins, horses, the color blue, and puzzles.
Kiki, The Witty
DOB: December 13, 1983
Karina was born in 1983 in Tijuana. Because of Meningitis, Karina has partial Paraplegia, mild Mental Delay and Seizure Disorder. In 1994, Karina developed Hydrocephalus, a condition where excess fluid developes around the brain, which requires implantation of a drainage system. Karina joined The Mission in 1997, after being removed from an abusive and disfunctional family. Karina is known for cheeky comments. Her witty persona and contagious character make her an enjoyable individual to talk to.
Karina loves to talk, take care of her baby doll, go to parties, take pictures, and listen to Jeremy Camp. Her Favorite color is Turqoise blue.